Albert Einstein
Special Relativity
Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist who is best known for developing the theory of relativity, which revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and gravity. He was born on March 14, 1879, in the Kingdom of Württemberg in the German Empire and passed away on April 18, 1955, in Princeton, New Jersey, USA.
Einstein's most famous equation, E = mc², expresses the mass-energy equivalence, indicating that mass and energy are interchangeable. He received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect, which laid the foundation for quantum theory.
Albert Einstein
In The "Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" published by Albert Einstein in 1905, in section §2 On the Relativity of Lengths and Times, you will find Einstein's first equation.
This equation is easily recognized by any high-school student, which links distance time and velocity. Einstein, clearly states light path, rather than simply stating distance in an attempt
to confuse the reader.
$$velocity = \frac{light\ path}{time\ interval}$$
Einstein then goes through an explanation of why events are not simultaneous and follows this with the following two equations which form the basis of his entire paper.
$$t_B - t_A = \frac{r_{AB}}{c-v}\ and\ t_A'-t_B = \frac{r_{AB}}{c+v}$$
Where \(r_{AB}\) denotes the length of the moving rod.
It is not neccessary to understand the equation, only what Einstein is actually suggesting. He is saying that the original equation he quoted is actually wrong, and that the correct form is;
$$velocity = \frac{length\ of\ the\ rod}{time\ interval}$$
Obviously the length of a rod is not the same as the distance travelled by the rod and it is clear that the two equations shown are mutually exclusive.
Indeed the equation offered by Einstein, which claims that length and time changes with respect to velocity is unsupported by any physical experiment despite
the multiple claims offered by his supporters. Quite simply time dilation and length contraction are simply fantasies.
This is the very point in Einsteins paper "The Electrodynmamics of Moving Bodies" of 1905, where Einstein introduces his erroneous concept of length contraction and time dilation.
Undoubtedly, this single claim must be one of the greatest errors in modern physics, which has lead the physics community astray and set back the progress of physics for in excess of one hundred years.
The length of a rod and the distance traveled are two distinct physical concepts.
the length of a Rod is a measure of the rod's physical size from one end to the other.
It is a fixed, static measurement that doesn't change unless the physical dimensions of the rod itself is altered.
The distance traveled refers to the total length of the path along which an object moves. It is a dynamic measurement that can vary depending on the path taken.
The distance traveled can be more than the displacement (straight-line distance from the starting point to the end point) if the path is not straight.
In summary, while the length of a rod is a static measurement of the rod's size, the distance traveled is a dynamic measurement of the path an object moves along.
These two measurements are fundamentally different depending on the specific context.
Indeed it can be asked whether this false claim can be proven mathematically and the answer is yes using only high school maths.
Beginning with the first of Einsteins equations, we can simply substitute some theoretical values;
$$t_B - t_A = \frac{r_{AB}}{c-v}$$
The exact meaning of the equation as related by einstein is that a bar moves from the origin at a time "\(t_A\)" to a second point in a time "\(t_B\)" at some velocity close to the speed of light.
It can be safely assumed that this velocity "\(v\)" can be represented by half the speed of light and in the interests of simplicity the length of the bar
at the origin "\(t_{AB}\)" can be taken to be one meter.
The equation can be rearranged to establish the length of the bar following its journey;
$$r_{AB} = (t_B - t_A)(c-v)$$
Using this equation, the example values can be used to establish the length of the rod after its journey for one second at half the speed of light from \(t_A\ \text{to}\ t_B\).
Substitution of these basic values into this equation results in the following;
$$r_{AB} = (1 - 0)(2.997\ 924\ 5800 × 10^{8} - 1.498\ 962\ 2900 × 10^{8}$$
Which when simplified becomes;
$$r_{AB} = 1.498\ 962\ 2900 × 10^{8}\ \text{meters}$$
Effectively, after travelling for one second at half the speed of light the length of the rod did not contract but rather
expanded to \(1.498\ 962\ 2900 × 10^{8}\ \text{meters}\) the exact opposite of that claimed by Einstein. To put this into context the rod expanded from one meter
to almost half the distance from the Earth to the moon within one second.
the same substitution can be made to the second equation of Einstein. Rearrangement of the second equation to establish the length of the bar
following its journey becomes;
$$r_{AB} = (t_A'-t_B)(c+v)$$
Substitution of the sample values results in;
$$r_{AB} = (2 - 1)(2.997\ 924\ 5800 × 10^{8} + 1.498\ 962\ 2900 × 10^{8}$$
The resultant value is even more ludicrous than the first, the rod has again expanded rather than contracting this time to a much larger value;
$$r_{AB} = 4.496\ 886\ 8700 × 10^{8}\ \text{meters}$$
Once more putting this into contaxt the rod has again expanded this time from one meter to a length in excess of the distance from the Earth to the moon in one second.
It has been shown that the entire concept of length contraction and time dilation is nothing more than a mathematical fiction and as a result
the entire paper should be abandoned.