
Paul Dirac

The Electron & the Positron
The standard Dirac equation employs the minus sign to differentiate electrons from positrons, and it has been proposed that this sign distinction, or charge, could be interpreted as a rotation within an internal, three-dimensional space. This viewpoint aligns with established physics, reproducing the same phenomenology mathematically, while providing an elegant geometric interpretation. Despite its aesthetic and conceptual appeal, this notion cannot be correct because it implies that the underlying field has directional properties. Introducing inherent angularity into the field is impractical, as the model would require a method of representing this angularity. It is suggested that the electron and positron are merely two aspects of the same field, distinguished only by their representative field values and that charge can be represented without any change to the standard field model. This work involves the use of Quaternions which emphasis that a ontological link exists between Dirac's equation and the physical world.
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac was an English theoretical physicist who made significant contributions to the foundations of quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics. Born on August 8, 1902, in Bristol, England, Dirac is best known for formulating the Dirac equation in 1928, which describes the behavior of fermions and predicted the existence of antimatter. Dirac shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1933 with Erwin Schrödinger for their work on atomic theory. He also introduced the concept of the positron, the antimatter counterpart to the electron, which was later confirmed experimentally.
Paul Dirac

The Dirac Lagrangian is a key concept in quantum field theory, particularly in the study of fermions. It is used to derive the Dirac equation through the principle of least action. The Lagrangian density for the Dirac field is given by: $$\mathcal{L_{Dirac}} = \overline{\psi}(i \gamma^\mu \partial\mu - m)\psi$$


\(\mathcal{L_{Dirac}} \) is the Lagrangian density.
\(\overline{\psi} \equiv \psi^\dagger \gamma^0 \) the Dirac adjoint a modified conjugate of the spinor \(\psi.\)
\(i \gamma^\mu\partial\mu = \) the kinetic term.
\(m\psi = \) the mass term, where m is the particle's mass.

While it is often portrayed that the electron and positron act as independent entities, this interpretation is overly simplistic and incorrect. This opinion generally arises from the negative symbol appearing in the Dirac equation leading to an assumption that the electron and positron are two distinct "particles". Calculations indicate that the representative masses of the electron and positron are identical, suggesting that they are actually the same excitation of the underlying field with the only difference being their differing charges. This is generally interpreted as being opposite "rotations" of the field. Logically this cannot be the case as the underlying field must then possess a new directional element to accomodate the angular component.

Reformulating the Dirac Spinor

Starting with Diracs equation in its standard form which is; $$(i \gamma^\mu \partial\mu - m)\psi = 0$$ Clifford algebra arises from the need to reconcile the Dirac equation with the relativistic energy-momentum relation. The anticommutation relations of the gamma matrices ensure Lorentz invariance and consistency with quantum mechanics, making the Clifford algebra a fundamental structure in relativistic quantum theory as such the gamma matrices \(\gamma^0,\gamma^1,\gamma^2,\gamma^3\) satisfy the Clifford aljebra: $$\{\gamma^\mu, \gamma^\nu\} = 2g^{\mu\nu}I$$ The Pauli matrices and quaternions are deeply connected through their algebraic structures and their roles in representing rotations in three-dimensional space. They can be seen as a matrix representation of the quaternion units, and both systems are essential tools in physics and mathematics for describing rotations, spin, and other phenomena. \[\sigma_1 = \begin{bmatrix}0 & 1 \\1 & 0\end{bmatrix},\quad\sigma_2 = \begin{bmatrix}0 & i \\-i & 0\end{bmatrix}, \quad\sigma_3 = \begin{bmatrix}1 & 0 \\0 & -1\end{bmatrix}\] The Pauli matrices can be directly mapped to the quaternion units by multiplying the quaternion units by the imaginary unit \(i\). \[\sigma_1 \sim i, \quad \sigma_2 \sim j, \quad \sigma_3 \sim k\] This mapping preserves the algebraic relations between the two systems and highlights their deep connection in describing rotations and spin in physics and mathematics.

Defining a Quaternionic Dirac Operator

A quaternionic differential operator analogous to the standard Dirac operator can be defined as: \[ D = i \partial_t + i \sigma_1 \partial_x + j \partial_y + k \partial_z \] This resembles the Cauchy-Riemann operator from quaternionic analysis and it follows that the Dirac equation can be expressed as: \[D\Psi = m\Psi\] Expanding this version of the Dirac equation in terms of partial derivatives results in: \[(i \partial_t + i \sigma_1 \partial_x + j \partial_y + k \partial_z) \Psi = m \Psi\] Subsequently, both sides can be multipled by \(i\) from the left to simplify: \[\partial_t \Psi + \sigma_1 \partial_x \Psi + ji \partial_y \Psi + ki \partial_z \Psi = im \Psi\] The standard quaternion rules (see Hamilton) indicate that \(ji=-k\) and \(ki=j\) which means that the above equation can be rewritten as: \[\partial_t \Psi + \sigma_1 \partial_x \Psi - k \partial_y \Psi + j \partial_z \Psi = im \Psi\] This final result is a direct quaternion analog of the Dirac equation.

Transforming the Dirac Equation

Being that the Dirac equation is represented in its quaternion form it can be rotated or transformed as any quaternions: \[D\Psi = m\Psi\] Where: \[D = i \partial_t + i \sigma_1 \partial_x + j \partial_y + k \partial_z\] Applying a quaternionic similarity transformation using the unit quaternion \(Q\). \[D' = QDQ^{-1}, \quad \Psi' = Q\Psi Q^{-1}\] Since differentiation commutes with quaternionic transformations (as long as \(Q\) is not spacetime-dependent), the transformed equation becomes: \[QDQ^{-1} \cdot Q\Psi Q^{-1} = m(Q\Psi Q^{-1})\] Simplifying, we get: \[D' \Psi' = m \Psi'\] This shows that the quaternionic Dirac equation preserves its form under rotation, just like the standard Dirac equation under Lorentz transformations!

A Quaternionic Lorentz boost

Applying the Dirac operator: \[D = i \partial_t + i \sigma_1 \partial_x + j \partial_y + k \partial_z\] Each derivative can be transformed under a boost along the x.axis: \[\partial_{t'} = \gamma (\partial_t - v \partial_x), \quad \partial_{x'} = \gamma (\partial_x - v \partial_t)\] Substituting, the boosted Dirac operator results in: \[D' = i (\gamma (\partial_t - v \partial_x)) + i \sigma_1 (\gamma (\partial_x - v \partial_t)) + j \partial_y + k \partial_z\] Clearly, this maintains the Dirac equation structure: \[D' \Psi' = m \Psi'\] Thus, the quaternionic Dirac equation must be Lorentz-invariant under both rotations and boosts. This quaternionic formulation naturally encodes spin and Lorentz transformations due to the quaternion algebra’s close relationship with SU(2). It replaces complex numbers with quaternions, offering an alternative way to represent spinor fields. This version could provide insights into non-commutative geometry and a real alternative to quantum mechanics.

While the standard Dirac equation uses the minus sign to distinguish electrons from positrons, the quaternionic reformulation suggests that this sign difference could be seen as a rotation in an internal, three-dimensional imaginary space. This perspective does not contradict the established physics—it must reproduce the same phenomenology—but it offers an elegant geometric interpretation: The electron and positron are two aspects of the same quaternionic field, distinguished by a rotation in the imaginary plane rather than by an ad hoc minus sign. This idea is both aesthetically appealing and conceptually stimulating, as it hints at deeper underlying symmetries that might be present in a more unified theory. However, while this geometric viewpoint is compelling, developing it into a full physical theory that reproduces all known phenomena is nontrivial and remains an area of ongoing research.